spring water detection

A revolutionary procedure to quickly and precisely detect tectonic aquifers anywhere in the world, containing deeper, purer, healthier mineral rich spring water.

In collaboration with Hong Kong Exim, we are bringing a unique spring water detection solution to the market to help solve some of the world's most delicate problems regarding water scarcity and consumption.

Detecting spring water

Tectonic / artesian aquifers

The technology finds deeper, purer, healthier, mineral rich fresh springwater from artesian springs, sometimes at a  shallower depth than expected. The system can penetrate multiple rock layers enabling it to find spring water.

Resonance seismic method

The remote sensing technique is derived from the “Hammer Seismic Method”. A pulse is sent into the earth and the reflections are being measured. However, in contrast to hammer seismic, a different frequency range is used.

Visualization & prediction

A large amount of data is being visualized graphically and prepared for quantitave and qualitative evaluation. This enables us to detect the exact drilling locations, the drilling progress, the depth and the capacity of the aquifer.

how does it work

1. Location

Choose a location of your preference where you need water. The area should have a size of at least 2,5 hectares

2. Measurements

Our specialists, equipped with their mobile pc and sensor utensil, will find multiple sites for additional exploration

3. Data analysis

The data is sent overnight to the analysis center for confirmation of the precise drilling sites and drilling depth

4. Drilling

After confirmation of the sites, the drilling process can be started, according to the right drilling instructions

5. Spring water

After drilling at the precise locations, we expect water will come shooting out the well and a pump can be attached

Do you have a location where you are drastically in need of water?

Let’s have a chat to see how we can help.

Don’t take our word for it

We have already performed successful measurements in various dry regions, finding very good quality water.

Saudi Arabia

A site was selected in the Saudi Arabian dessert, where our geophysicists spend a day and half surveying the area. 

150 meters

750 000 l/day


A site  was selected and within 3.5 hours our geophysicists marked potential drill locations and sent the data to the analysis center.

180 meters

350 000 l/day


Insufficient rainfall resulted in big problems for german hop growers. With our technology, we were able to find fresh water.

90 meters

1 500 000 l/day

in need of a new water source?

What do we offer

What do we expect

Interested to know more?

During an exploratory meeting, we can go deeper into your goals and needs.


Measurements at any location worldwide

save rivers

Reduce extraction from rivers and canals

Save groundwater

Reduce the drying up of groundwater

No financial risk

You only pay when clean water is found

save costs

Reduce costs for desalination and cleaning

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